Saturday, July 11, 2009

Moving Delays Everything Else in Life

Baptism Day

First bath in new house

Walking into our new home on Moving Day

Moving Day

Memorial Day cookout

Well it has been a loonnngggg while since I last wrote on my blog. Let's catch you up to date on life with the de la Fe's. In April I went back to work after 3 months of baby bliss. WORST WEEK OF MY LIFE! If you are a mom, you understand the devastation of leaving your baby who will obviously die without their mother. (FYI Dante is ok. He didn't die. I'm pretty sure has has no idea that I was gone at all. I cried for nothing.) On April 20th, we closed on our very first home! We were extremely excited and proud of ourselves as we are now to be considered "adults." (I still feel like the little freckled face, pig-tailed girl on my bike, running around the neighborhood, looking for boys to beat up.) These past 3 months have been full of installing a new A/C and water heater, completely gutting our kitchen and guest bathroom, having them both re-done to our liking (must say they are very pretty now), painting the entire inside of the house, buying furniture, changing all the light switches, installing fans/lights, etc, etc, etc. To be completely honest, I only painted. My father-in-law and Delafe basically did everything else. I recommend marrying into a family that are can be very helpful.
Dante has his very own room now. This is the greatest thing about buying a new house....providing for your children. When we were house hunting, we specifically were looking for a place for Dante and any future de la Fe's to grow up. He has no idea right now about how, as parents, we sacrifice everything just for him and could not be any happier doing it. Some day we'll tell him the story of buying our first home.
As of right now, he is sitting in Delafe's lap smiling and laughing like crazy at God knows what, but I know what I'm smiling about. Moments like these.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The End of Maturnity Leave:o(

Here are some pictures from the past month or so. I am getting ready to go back to work next week after 3 months of being on maturnity leave and it will most likely be the worst week of my life leaving my baby all day. But such is life and I have a wonderful mother-in-law who will be taking care of Dante during the days but I have to admit I am jealous that she gets to be with him all day:o( Dante is getting bigger every week! He was weighed on Wed. and he is 14.5 lbs and 24 inches long now. He honestly is a really happy baby, smiling all the time and we have heard "mini giggles".....they aren't real giggles yet but getting there. He loves to be sung to and tends to smile a lot when we sing certain songs. The other night we had a break thru...he slept 6 hours! Since then he has been sleeping 5-6 hours every night which is awesome! Chevy is really sweet with him. I think she understands that he is part of our family now. She is very curious though and follows me around when I'm holding him and watches as I change or feed him. When he makes little cooing noises in his crib, she always walks over to look at him. Thats all for now. Got to go get a waking baby:o)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Reilly and Dante meet

Cousin Reilly came to visit this past week along with Aunt Marty, Martha and Christopher. We had such a great time hanging out with a 4 week old and a 15 month old. Reilly was the same age as Dante last year at our wedding....amazing how time flies by. We took Reilly and Dante to Pinecrest Gardens and to Jungle Island to celebrate Mom's much fun. Reilly really enjoyed discovering new animals while Dante slept through all of it. Maybe next time we go he'll be able to actually stay awake:o) Here are some pics from their visit.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dante is here!

Well, as most of you know, Dante Francisco de la Fe was born on Saturday, January 24th at 9:47am. He was 7 lbs and 2 ounces and 20 inches long. I started going into labor on Friday night and 13 hours later he was here! We are both so overwhelmed by how amazing he is and how much fun we are having already. So far he has proven to be a very easy baby...wakes every 3 hours at night, eats and falls right back to sleep. I'm getting a lot of help from both of our families and Delafe is extremely helpful from changing him and rocking him to getting me anything I ask for or might need. I'm also getting naps every day while Dante sleeps so I'm still feeling refreashed (ask me how I feel in a few weeks:o)
I'm so glad I had a week off from work before I had him to be with just my husband and my dog. We were able to have a mini vacation together here at home, relaxing, watching movies, going out to eat, and taking Chevy to the dog park. It was such a wonderful end to a great pregnancy.
Here are few pics of a baby boy...enjoy!

Sunday, January 18, 2009