Saturday, July 11, 2009

Moving Delays Everything Else in Life

Baptism Day

First bath in new house

Walking into our new home on Moving Day

Moving Day

Memorial Day cookout

Well it has been a loonnngggg while since I last wrote on my blog. Let's catch you up to date on life with the de la Fe's. In April I went back to work after 3 months of baby bliss. WORST WEEK OF MY LIFE! If you are a mom, you understand the devastation of leaving your baby who will obviously die without their mother. (FYI Dante is ok. He didn't die. I'm pretty sure has has no idea that I was gone at all. I cried for nothing.) On April 20th, we closed on our very first home! We were extremely excited and proud of ourselves as we are now to be considered "adults." (I still feel like the little freckled face, pig-tailed girl on my bike, running around the neighborhood, looking for boys to beat up.) These past 3 months have been full of installing a new A/C and water heater, completely gutting our kitchen and guest bathroom, having them both re-done to our liking (must say they are very pretty now), painting the entire inside of the house, buying furniture, changing all the light switches, installing fans/lights, etc, etc, etc. To be completely honest, I only painted. My father-in-law and Delafe basically did everything else. I recommend marrying into a family that are can be very helpful.
Dante has his very own room now. This is the greatest thing about buying a new house....providing for your children. When we were house hunting, we specifically were looking for a place for Dante and any future de la Fe's to grow up. He has no idea right now about how, as parents, we sacrifice everything just for him and could not be any happier doing it. Some day we'll tell him the story of buying our first home.
As of right now, he is sitting in Delafe's lap smiling and laughing like crazy at God knows what, but I know what I'm smiling about. Moments like these.